September 18, 2024
iPadOS apps can now be downloaded on alternative app stores in the EU
Apple has updated their App Store Review Guidelines to add iPadOS to Notarization, meaning that EU users can now download iPadOS apps on the App Store and through alternative distribution.
Apple’s own summary can be found here.
The complete set of changes can be seen below:
The guiding principle of the App Store is simple—we want to provide a safe experience for users to get apps and a great opportunity for all developers to be successful. We do this by offering a highly curated App Store where every app is reviewed by experts and an editorial team helps users discover new apps every day. We also scan each app for malware and other software that may impact user safety, security, and privacy. These efforts have made Apple’s platforms the safest for consumers around the world. In the European Union, developers can also distribute notarized iOS and iPadOS apps from alternative app marketplaces and directly from their website. Learn more about alternative app marketplaces, Web Distribution, and Notarization for iOS and iPadOS apps. You can see which guidelines apply to Notarization for iOS and iPadOS apps by clicking on “Show Notarization Review Guidelines Only” in the menu to the left. For everything else there is always the open Internet. If the App Store model and guidelines or alternative app marketplaces and Notarization for iOS and iPadOS apps are not best for your app or business idea that’s okay, we provide Safari for a great web experience too. To help your app approval go as smoothly as possible, review the common missteps listed below that can slow down the review process or trigger a rejection. This doesn’t replace the guidelines or guarantee approval, but making sure you can check every item on the list is a good start. If your app no longer functions as intended or you’re no longer actively supporting it, it will be removed from the App Store. Learn more about App Store Improvements. Guidelines that include When people install an app from the App Store, they want to feel confident that it’s safe to do so—that the app doesn’t contain upsetting or offensive content, won’t damage their device, and isn’t likely to cause physical harm from its use. We’ve outlined the major pitfalls below, but if you’re looking to shock and offend people, the App Store isn’t the right place for your app. Some of these rules are also included in Notarization for iOS and iPadOS apps.Introduction
Before You Submit
apply to Notarization for iOS and iPadOS apps in the EU.
1. Safety